Apr 15

I think I am going to try Timeline JS

TimelineJS is a recommended timeline software/website.

Apparently, I’ve run across is before (but never used it).

I plan to use it.


Apr 10

LaTeX (and TeX) page has been updated

I have updated the LaTeX (and TeX) page.


Aug 11

Google Docs Adding a Blank Page When You Print

It can happen (and it has happened to many) that when you hit Print in Google Docs, the resulting PDF has an extra blank page (or pages). I’ve run into this.


Here are some solutions:

  • It is said that turning on Print Layout helps.






  • Changing the margins may help. Use File | Page setup.





  • A graphic at the end of a page may be causing a blank page to be inserted.  Change the Wrapping.









  • If all else fails, start from scratch. press Ctrl-A (Select-All or Cmd-A) to select the entire document, Ctrl-C to copy it to the clipboard, then create a new document and paste the content with Ctrl-V. The new document may not be affected by the PDF bug.

Sep 10

Everyone needs a screen capture tool

Everyone needs a good go-to screen capture tool (which they can use at the drop of a hat).

I use Snagit.

Here’s a list of 25!


Dec 13

The name I always forget – Padlet

I like to use Padlet — about every 18 months. After 17 months go by I often have forgotten the name of the site. This is my attempt to make a reminder for myself.


Oct 10

All About Me custom portraits

See this tweet (This is from @appleEDU)


Sep 12

Jess Sanchez Website

The website for Miss Jess Sanchez: https://missjsanchezblog.wordpress.com/

Sep 12

sample infographic

This is an infographic (I hope)
