
Miscellaneous Resources

Graph paper generator. May need to copy and paste to SnagIt and save.

TinyPNG – this is a great site for compressing .png files. This makes webpages load more quickly! There is also a WordPress plugin (which I haven’t yet used).

iMazing heic converter – (desktop app) Apple and Android are now using a file storage for pictures (from phones) as heic (or heif high efficiency image format/file/container). This app is a good one for converting heic files to jpg.  (There is also a HEIF Image Extensions for windows from the Microsoft store that I believe is useful.)


Nice Reference Site Here is a nice reference site.  It is quite comprehensive and leans toward the classics and the tried-and-true.  It might be better than Google or Pintrest (do a Find-in-Page). “Books” Page – https://www.refdesk.com/books.html  (Here’s their front page, which is a bit overwhelming.) Here are some (random examples): viaLibri – “Search engine for …

Brief History of Internet

Computers – mechanical Difference Engine (1822) by Charles Babbage. Other engines followed, and programmed by Ada Lovelace. Electronic Computer – The ENIAC was completed in 1945. Internet – January 1, 1983 is considered the official birthday of the Internet. World Wide Web – as a way to easily share and link information using the Internet. …


This is just a sandbox page.  

Special Characters

Do you ever want a special character (∃ ‣ ⦿ † ⑦ ⅚ ☺ etc.) ? These special characters are available and can be used in many places (Google docs, @x, #HTML, …, even filenames that might be dangerous) Option 1: Google Docs Option 2: toptal.com See https://www.toptal.com/designers/htmlarrows/symbols/ Option 3: Compart You can search (at …